Topics addressed:

Idea Pitch update:
Adam provided an update on the results of the IdeaPitch competition and the feedback that was received. Chris and Chanakya also shared their thoughts and feedback from the competition.

Technology Updates:
The current status of the technology was discussed and the plan moving ahead was formulated. Scott mentioned the possibility of combining some of the old Java code with some new code to develop a non internet based solution as a back-up. On the internet-dependant aspect, Chanakya will obtain the exact method of buying credit for Frontline/Clickatell and report to Khanjan to buy the credit to conduct testing.

Scenario Development:
Not much progress was reported on the development of the slides for the 3 final scenarios. It was decided that these slides will be submitted to Khanjan latest by Wednesday morning, after the involved members, primarily being, Adam, Chris, Christian and Mike meet and work on it together.

YouTube Video Teams:
A small amount of time was spent in setting the teams for the ENGR 497 YouTube video presentations.

UGE Poster Challenge:
A very significant amount of time was spent on looking at the version of the poster developed by Christian and Mike. Discussion was held on the same, changes suggested and an improvised plan of action was set in place for a new poster. The poster will be presented on Wednesday April 7 @ 9:30 AM in the HUB. Christian and Mike will be presenting the poster.

A large amount of time was spent on discussing the several aspects of the website, since not much development was made since the previous meeting, according to Khanjan. A new structure and menu bar was discussed and decided upon by the entire class in agreement. While Kaylyn will champion the development of the website, the write-ups were split between the entire team so as to minimize the load on any one individual. It was decided that a fully functional website will be set up before the next class on April 7. 

Business Team update:
A detailed update was provided by the business team from their latest class presentation slides. A lot of the assumptions made regardingwere discussed and improvised upon, for hte business team to develop further. A specific task assigned to them was the development of a model for Khanjan, within which new numbers could be plugged in.

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