Topics Discussed:

We started by taking a look at the technology and discussing where it stands and a means of testing it.  We then broke up into 4 groups to discuss the following subjects:

• Chanakya and Khanjan attempted to get FrontlineSMS working with Clickatell for a faster outbound messaging system.
• Kaylyn updated the website so that it was up-to-date
• Scott laid out what pieces of the technology needs to be tested, and developed a plan for doing so
• The marketing and business team discussed the various stories for each insertion scenario.

The Current Plan for Testing

Things to Test:
1)Sustainability (Does it crash after a certain amount of time?) OS, Frontline, Phone, etc.
2)Keywords (are they consistently stripped by Frontline?)
3)Database Security (if someone attempts to write to a rating as someone else is reading what happens?)
4)Reliability (How often, if ever, does Frontline drop messages?)
5)PHP(What happens if a keyword is correct, but message content incorrect?)
6)Efficiency (Speed...Hopefully find away to test Clickatell)
7)Learning the system (how fast can someone figure out the system. Simplicity?)

How to Test:
i. Set up the WishVast system on a computer to be used only for WishVast
ii. Distribute a list of message formats to our group.
iii. Periodically test these requests to WishVast over a few days
iv. Items 3 and 5 will be tested by Kaylyn and I on our own.

Testing number 7
i. Get friends the message formats
ii.  Ask them to perform certain tasks (join group, send message, rate, get rating)

After working on our own we reconvened and discussed and reviewed all that we had come up with in our groups.  We then discussed what we would have for next week:

• The technology team would have the system in place ready for testing.
• The business and marketing teams will have scripts for their youtube videos started and being reviewed.

We then called the meeting for the night.

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